1. Purpose

1.1 The Parish Council has agreed that in some circumstances parishioners can take a vehicle on to the Eric East Memorial Lake. This is primarily, but not exclusively, for blue badge holders and those parishioners that might find it difficult to enjoy the lake site without the use of a vehicle.

1.2 If a parishioner has a relative or close friend who fits the description, but lives outside the parish, the parishioner can apply for vehicle access for those times when the parishioner is accompanied by the relative or close friend.

2 Health and Safety

2.1 The Parish Council has a duty of care to all those using the site and therefore needs to ensure their safety as far as it is able to. 

2.2 The agreed risk assessment for the lake can be found on the Parish Council website and must be taken into account when member of the public, Parish Council staff and contactors visit the Eric East Memorial Lake. Click here to access the current risk assessment.

2.3 It is the individual’s responsibility to ensure they keep themselves and those they are caring for safe by reading and referring to the risk assessment.

2.4 If you have any concerns or want to recommend changes to the risk assessment please contact the Parish Clerk on tothparish@gmail.com

3 Application procedure

3.1 Requests to take a vehicle onto the lake site should be made to the Parish Council either by post to the parish office or via email tothparish@gmail.com and contain the vehicle registration number, names and addresses of those requiring access and details of those that will be accompanying them. 

3.2 This information will be passed to a named Councillor who will go through the following points with the parishioner

  • Establish the severity of the persons disability and any information the Parish Council should be aware of in terms of keeping the person safe.
  • Establish if the person will be leaving the vehicle to travel / walk round the lake.
  • Go through the safety information on the lake site and send the person a copy of the risk assessment / rules and regulations OR refer them to the document on the Parish Council website
  • Assess if the person is to be accompanied by a Cllr during the visit to give support as a 3rd person but not to interfere in the enjoyment of the visit
  • Show the person how to lock and unlock the gate emphasising the necessity to have the gate locked at all times. The padlock code will be shared with the person on the proviso the code is not passed onto other persons.  
  • What to do in case of an emergency and how emergency services can access the site 

3.3 The parishioner will sign a form confirming they have received the briefing, the gate lock code and a permission to park letter to display in the car whilst on lake site.                                                                                                                    

3.4 Vehicles should be parked in the car parking area which is to the right of the main beach area and must remain there with the engine turned off until preparing to leave the site. 

3.5 No reversing close to the lake edge

3.6 Any problems or concerns should be communicated to the Parish Council directly using the contact details tothparish@gmail.com

4 Termination of parking

4.1 The Parish Council reserves the right to withdraw the parking permit at any time but will provide reasons why this has proved necessary.

4.2 If the Parishioner wishes to no longer use the permit the pass must be returned to the Parish Council without delay.